No Flood Barriers
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The Asian Development Bank estimates that floods account for over 50% of the most devastating among climate-related disasters in India. According to data collected by CWC, in the last 65+ years, India has suffered economic losses amounting to INR 4.69 trillion in crop, house and other property damages.
The NoFloods Water Tube structure is an extremely solid and strong barrier. It is very resistant to abrasion and tear and is resistant to most chemicals. It is the world’s most cost-effective solution for flood protection, coffer dams, and flexible reservoirs for storing rainwater, wastewater, toxic spills etc. The NoFloods Barrier has already proven its efficiency in protecting people, critical infrastructure and the environment in several countries around the world. Based on innovative and patented principles, the NoFloods Barrier consists of basically three primary components creating a solution with high strength, high flexibility, high versatility and with extremely low environmental impact. The NoFloods mobile flood barrier is fast and easy to install in flood threatened areas both before and after flooding has occurred
The NoFloods Barrier has been extensively tested and certified and have as such earned several accreditations from departments such as the French Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Response. The NoFloods Barrier was also selected as one of the most sustainable solutions in the world and is already part of THE SUSTAINA 2015.
- Inflatable barriers can be deployed both preventively and curatively during flood
- The barriers can be deployed in 200-meter sections – and the barriers can be continuously extended
- Lowest weight pr. meter before deployment and willing with water – 3 kg/m dry weight and 2350 kg/m filled with water (any liquid)
- 4 men can deploy 1000 meter inflatable flood barriers in less than 4 hours
- Rapid and easy deployment during disasters
- The standard size of the inflatable flood barriers retain 80 cm. of water
- Deployment on all types of surfaces
- Conforms to the terrain
- Ability to circulate water (option in cold climate/during winter)
- Only takes up minimal storage space