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Incomat CCGM
Incomat is the product of choice for erosion control or lining solutions that require a constant thickness-concrete cross-section or impermeable concrete mattress.

Signet CCGC
A new innovative technology that is taking the civil engineering world by storm is the Signet Concrete Carpet.With a lifespan of 50+ years and 10 times faster installation.

Signet Sunpipe
Piping sunlight was first used about 4000 years ago when the Egyptians used light shafts and mirrors to bring daylight down to the center of the Pyramids.

Signet Fiber Optic System
The SIGNET HIMAWARI system consists of a sunlight collector (lens focusing unit), quartz glass optical fiber devices, an automatic tracking system.

Signet PF
Signet PF is a unique Nano Molecular Thermo Conductive Refrigerant Oil Additive formula useful for Air-conditioning & Refrigeration system applications.

Signet ETP
Scientific evidence as well as field tests were run on trucks, fork lifts, buses, and golf cars, etc. has shown that ETP extends battery life by preventing sulphation.